Curried Beans / Curried Baked Beans

Curried beans are a weekend favourite at our house and a great way to spice up a full English breakfast! You can’t beat curried baked beans with fried eggs, bacon, sausages and a couple of slices of toast.

Here’s the magic formula …

Chop up half an onion and half a tomato.
Chop up one mid-size green chilli.
Throw in a knob of butter into a frying pan and stick it on medium heat.
Add in half a teaspoon of cumin seeds.
Add in the onions and sauté till they start to brown.
At that stage, add in the chopped tomatoes and the chilli.
Cook this mixture and when it starts to soften, add in a tin of baked beans (Heinz of course!).
You can add a little hot water to thin the mixture and stir gently to create a lovely curry.
Add half a spoon of Garam Masala, plus salt and pepper to taste.
Once the beans have warmed up, garnish with coriander and you’re done.
Serve up with a fried breakfast or simply with toast … Yummy!

Here’s a sneak peak of it …

Curried Beans - Indian Recipe